
New PC-Based 5 GS/s Oscilloscope First to Be Powered by USB

June 19, 2024 by Aaron Carman

Using USB-C for power and data, the PicoScope 3000E series brings new meaning to portable, high-performance test equipment.

Pico Technology has unveiled the PicoScope 3000E, the “world’s first USB-powered 5 GS/s oscilloscope.” The new oscilloscope series builds upon Pico Technology’s previous USB scope offerings and offers designers new bandwidth and acquisition rate limits.


PicoScope 3000E

The PicoScope leverages a USB connection to provide power and communications, allowing a modest laptop to become a full-fledged oscilloscope. 

As test and measurement equipment continues to evolve in complexity alongside electrical systems, developers need compact, lightweight equipment that can be readily deployed both in the lab and in the field. As such, a USB oscilloscope that doesn’t require an external power supply can be a great boon for modern developers. 


High-Bandwidth, USB-Powered Scope

Compared to previous generations, the PicoScope 3000E offers a considerably higher bandwidth and sampling rate. The 3000E series (datasheet linked) provides up to 500 MHz bandwidth and an accompanying 5 GS/s sampling rate at 10-bit resolution. In addition, the 3000E offers a 2-GS memory depth, allowing designers to see more details in their signals of interest.


The portable PicoScope

The PicoScope and accompanying software pack modern oscilloscope features into a single UI, allowing designers to reduce the footprint of an oscilloscope test setup. 

Perhaps the key feature of the PicoScope offerings is their portability. The scope itself can fit easily into a backpack and uses a USB connection for both data and power to minimize the amount of accessories needed in the field. As a result, any users with a USB-C port on their computer can readily begin debugging their circuits in even the most remote locations.

The 3000E series is available now in both 350 MHz and 500 MHz variants.


Shrinking Test and Measurement

As more designers turn to high-tech solutions, test equipment complexity (and often size) increases as well. While this may be acceptable for designers working in specialized fields, many engineers require a vast array of advanced test equipment to reliably troubleshoot and debug their devices. In the case of the common oscilloscope, designers could benefit from a small yet high-performance scope.


Many oscilloscope features in a single UI

The PicoScope 3000E’s compact size allows it to be carried anywhere and used with only a single USB connection. 

This is exactly the problem that Pico Technology hopes to address with its PicoScope series. Using the PicoScope, designers can shrink the size of their test and measurement equipment without making heavy compromises on performance. In the case of the new PicoScope 3000E series, engineers now have access to more advanced features and specs without a dedicated power supply or accommodations for a large bench-top scope.


Portability in Test and Measurement

While the specs of the PicoScope 3000E may not match those of full-blown benchtop models, the compact 3000E series provides improved performance in cases where it may be needed most. If, for example, a user must troubleshoot devices in the field, it is now much easier to bring the lab to the device instead of needing to bring the device to the lab. Along with Pico Technology’s other USB-based test and measurement offerings, a designer's bench may considerably shrink in size.



All images used courtesy of Pico Technology.