
From Audio to Automotive, 3 New Processors Push Performance Boundaries

June 03, 2024 by Aaron Carman

In this roundup, we spotlight new processors from Analog Devices, Texas Instruments, and WCH that meet embedded computing requirements across industries.

Three companies, Analog Devices (ADI), Texas Instruments (TI), and WCH, have quietly released new processors in the past two weeks for different edge applications. Embedded and edge processors are necessary to provide fast and effective data transformation in every industry. 


Processor roundup


Each processor in this roundup targets different dimensions of computing and control: ADI's digital signal processor (DSP) for audio design, TI's MCU for automotive, and WCH's RISC-V processor for general embedded uses.


ADI’s Embedded SHARC DSP

Analog Devices recently revealed its newest digital signal processor (DSP). More sensing technology means more data and signals. Rarely are these signals immediately usable, and as such, digital signal processors can help transform data to improve its utility.


The ADI SHARC architecture

The ADI SHARC architecture includes several processing accelerators, allowing designers to integrate DSP algorithms without suffering heavy performance hits. Image used courtesy of Analog Devices

The new DSP, the ADSP1802, uses ADI's Super Harvard Architecture Single-Chip Computer (SHARC), allowing it to be used in a wide range of next-generation applications such as audio control, noise cancellation, or automotive infotainment. The ADSP1802 includes a 32-bit/40-bit floating point processor running up to 400 MHz, with support for 5 Mb of L1 RAM and 8 Mb of L2 RAM.

In terms of signal processing, the chip includes accelerators for FIR and IIR filters and FFT acceleration for frequency-domain conversion. The chips are available now for sampling, alongside an evaluation board for designers looking to test their functionality.


TI's MCU With Flexible Memory

Next, Texas Instruments has released a powerful processor for automotive and industrial applications. With vehicles migrating to new zonal and centralized architectures, TI’s AM263P4 is built to provide better performance and network integration.

The AM263P4 is a four-core MCU with the option of running two cores in lockstep to meet functional safety standards. Each core uses an Arm Cortex-R5F, with 256 KB of tightly coupled memory per core cluster.



The AM263P4 includes four Arm Cortex-R5F cores alongside numerous peripherals and connectivity interfaces to target a wide range of industrial-embedded applications. Image used courtesy of Texas Instruments

The AM263P4 is supported by 3 MB of on-chip RAM and 140 GPIOs, providing designers with more memory and flexibility for their latest applications. In addition, the chip includes an industrial communications subsystem to enable high-performance Ethernet protocols.



To conclude this roundup, WCH has teased its newest RISC-V processor, the CH32V006. This processor is an upgrade from an existing embedded MCU, offering designers more memory and better performance.



The CH32V006 offers designers access to a RISC-V processor for general embedded applications where price/performance is critical. Image used courtesy of CNX Software

Compared to previous generations, the CH32V006 sports up to 8 KB of SRAM and 62 KB of Flash, with 31 interrupt-enabled GPIOs. It supports standard communication interfaces such as USART, I2C, and SPI alongside a 12-bit, eight-channel ADC with touch activation support.

While WCH has not yet confirmed a price for the chip, based on its predecessor, it will likely be a low-cost MCU.


Pick Your Processor

Even though each processor discussed here targets different applications, each of them represents a step forward in embedded design and edge computing. With more processors to choose from, designers in any field can use the best processor available for their own needs to maximize speed, communications, or cost efficiency.