
Earthquake in Taiwan—Our Hearts Go Out to Those Impacted

April 03, 2024 by All About Circuits

The 7.4 magnitude earthquake today in Taiwan has caused devastating loss and suffering. Our thoughts with all those affected.

A devastating 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck Taiwan on Wednesday morning local time, 11 miles south of the city of Hualien. Reports say that death and injury counts continue to rise. More than 100 buildings have been damaged, and over 150 people have been trapped.

Here at All About Circuits and EETech, our thoughts are with all those who are suffering due to this devastating event. As one of the world’s most significant regions for semiconductor manufacturing and innovation, several companies in Taiwan are valued business partners to us. But, more importantly,  it’s the people, who are the heart of those companies, that are our good friends.

On days like today, we are reminded more than ever that we’re in a people business. We’re in an industry that may seem all about “things” such as semiconductor chips and electronic components. But it’s the people that make it special. It’s the people that matter. Our hearts go out to all that are grieving,suffering, and facing lives disrupted.