Industry White Paper

Flexible Swissbit Solution: IoT Security Embedded In Memory Cards

July 07, 2020 by Swissbit Download PDF


For IT- and data-security, systems communicating over the Internet or via their gateways in the IoT (Internet of Things), need a unique and non-cloneable identity. Systems must also be able to send, receive and store cryptographically and heavily secured data, but solutions involving only software usage rarely offer sufficient protection. This presents developers and manufacturers with great challenges.

Storage and security expert Swissbit offers a new hardware-based approach. Based on decades of experience in the protection of stored data, Swissbit has now developed an advanced approach to security for embedded IoT devices. The thought process behind the development is that every device needs memory to act as a boot medium for log files, and data cache memory in case of network failures. These memory interfaces can and should have security features.

In this Swissbit white paper, learn more about Swissbit's new flexible, hardware-based approach that includes TPM (Trusted Platform Module) and data encryption.

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