Paul Oldham Device Partner Solution Sales Manager Paul is an IT/distribution channel veteran with more than 20 years of experience and is currently managing IoT Device Partner Sales at Microsoft. Paul brings a wealth of knowledge about the Microsoft products and programs relevant to IoT and Windows on Arm.
Eunice Chen Product Manager Eunice has been with Advantech for six years and is the Product Sales Manager for the Windows on Arm Development Kit. She has an extensive background managing Arm computing products in different form factors for a variety of applications.
Sainath Kancharla Product Marketing Manager, NXP Semiconductors Sainath Kancharla is a Product Marketing Manager for the i.MX 8M Family of Applications Processors at NXP. He manages the marketing, adoption and customer enablement for the i.MX 8M family of applications processors. He holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from Columbus State University.

Getting to Market with Windows 10 and NXP’s i.MX 8M Plus Processors: How to Use Advantech’s Windows Development Kit

In partnership with NXP Semiconductors

Learn how to develop a compact, low-power solution for Industrial and IoT markets with Microsoft’s Windows IoT and NXP’s i.MX application processors. In this webinar, we will explore the competitive advantages of developing with Windows 10 and the i.MX portfolio of applications processor included with Advantech’s Windows on Arm® development kit.

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