Exploring Energy Efficiency Policies and Emerging Labeling Requirements

In partnership with christine@eetech.com - eetechchristine

The Ecodesign Directive and Energy Labeling Regulation are two policy instruments used in the EU to drive products toward higher energy efficiency. This presentation will focus, in particular, on label reform in 2021 for five product groups, including refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, electronic displays, and lighting.

In the category of electronic displays, furthermore, a deeper analysis will be provided to show how EU standards compare in stringency to those for ENERGY STAR® in the US.


Key Take-Aways


  • • Half of 2020 target for energy savings expected from legislative measures
  • • Ecodesign Directive and Energy Labeling Regulation create push-pull to higher energy efficiency
  • • Label reform in 2021 on five product categories aggressively re-scales grades, driving consumers toward more efficient products



David Chen – Director of Applications Engineering

Mr. David Chen joined Power Integrations in September 2015 as Director of Applications Engineering.  With twenty-five years of experience in power system design and applications, David has held senior management positions at both publicly traded and privately held companies, including Volterra (acquired by Maxim), Akros Silicon, and Jade Sky Technologies, an LED driver start-up which he co-founded.  David received both his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and is the author of two patents.

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