Deon Pfafferott Deon Pfafferott has worked in the Electronic and Industrial Engineering fields with more than 20 years of international business development experience. In April 2011, Deon joined Rohde & Schwarz to head-up the global business development for Test & Measurement in Aerospace & Defence, today he works as a Market Segment Manager for Aerospace & Defence Test & Measurement.
Paul Denisowski Paul Denisowski is a Product Management Engineer at R&S covering wide range of technologies, including avionics, GNSS, direction finding, and interference hunting. Paul has a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University and over 25 years of experience in test and measurement.
Klaus Theißen Klaus Theißen is a product manager at Rohde&Schwarz responsible for spectrum analysis and terrestrial navigation analysis. Klaus has a Diploma degree in electrical engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) of the Technical University of Aachen in Germany and more than 20 years of experience in the field of NavAids analysis. Since 2008 he had several papers and presentation on terrestrial navigation analysis topics at international symposiums or trade fair shows.

Air Navigation Testing Webinar by Rohde & Schwarz

In partnership with Rohde & Schwarz

Webinar Overview

Avionics testing involves analyzing a host of different systems for flight-based systems, including radar, satellite, EMC/EMI, and more. Rohde and Schwarz has developed competencies in testing these systems and more, providing reliable information in field where accurate measurements can literally be the difference between life and death.

In this webinar, you will get a competency overview in Air Navigation and see required test instrumentation in action.

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